Saturday, July 2, 2011

How to coat Orchids in resin

The first step is to delicately dry the orchid or other flower in silica gel.  It must be carefully done so as not to deform the shape of the flower.  After a few days buried in the dessicant, the flower is ever so carefully removed and dry brushed to remove any silica dust that might be clinging on.

At this point the Orchid is sealed with a craft glue.  Sometimes two layers is required to seal the entire flower. These must be allowed to completely dry, between, and after before proceeding to the next step.
Next, two-part resin is mixed in equal amounts and mixed thoroughly.  This is painted on with a small brush and allowed to dry.  Many layers are applied to achieve a strong coating.  They are stored in a dust free, drying environment, or wiped off between layers.

An Orchid like the one shown can require as many as 20 layers of resin!  My wife makes these to order into necklaceses and other jewlery items.  Prices start around $60.  The waiting list is very short at the moment, but that may change.  Email me for details if interested.


  1. Hi! I just happened across your blog. I would like to do this to roses I have from my Grandmother's funeral. I can't find instructions on how to do it or what products to use. The flowers are starting to open up so time is ticking. Would you mind helping me? I'm in Mobile, Alabama. If you are located near by I would be happy to pay you to do it. Thanks for any help you can offer. My email is

  2. Hi there, my sister is getting married and I wanted to put a scrapbook together for her and instead of doing the traditional flower pressing in her scrapbook I wanted to resin coat some of her flowers from her bouquet and decorate the cover of the scrapbook with them. For starters do you know if this process will work on Gerber Daisies. Also could you tell me what the name of the products you use and where I can find them.I really appreciate the help and if you have any other suggestions for me they would be much appreciated because I am sorta going in to this blind.

    Huge Thanks, Laura

  3. Maybe the youtube clip: resin coating orchids will help?

  4. Your wife is very talented. The orchids are gorgeous.
